Biasanya kantung semar menjebak mangsanya dengan membuka katup atas
dari bunga kantungnya tersebut kemudian ketika mangsa masuk biasanya akan
tenggelam ke air karena di dalam kantung tersebut ada air lalu katup bisa
menutup dan akhirnya mangsapun mati lemas. Dalam istilah latinnya kantong semar
ini dikenal dengan nama Nepenthes , jenis kantung semar sendiri sangat banyak
variannya. Saat ini pun sebetulnya Kantong Semar ini dijadikan komoditi tanaman
hias di Indonesia pasca demam Anthurium dan Gelombang Cinta, banyak di pasarkan
di toko toko tanaman hias.
nepenthes ada pada cara ia mendapatkan makanan. Bukan dengan akar yang menyerap
nutrisi dari tanah, tanaman ini menyerap nutrisi dari serangga yang terjebak di
dalam kantongnya. Serangga-serangga malang ini dihancurkan oleh semacam senyawa
menyerupai asam lambung lantas dihisap sari-sarinya. Itulah sebabnya ia mampu
bertahan di daerah yang tergolong tandus. Nepenthes atau kantong semar
ditemukan mulai dari Madagaskar di bagian barat dunia hingga Kaledonia di
sebelah timur. Di utara ia ditemukan di China Selatan dan di selatan ia ada di
Australia. Jenis terbanyak ditemukan di Asia Tenggara, terutama Indonesia.
termasuk dalam kategori Carnivora plant yang banyak tersebar dari Malaysia,
Indonesia, Filipina, Australia sampai ke Madagaskar, Indonesia memiliki species
paling banyak di dunia. Di antara jenisnya yang beragam dan unik, yang paling
sering diburu kolektor adalah:
Semar bag to trap their prey usually by opening the valve pockets of
interest when the prey is then entered will usually sink into the water because
there is water in the bag and valve to close and eventually suffocate
mangsapun. In the Latin term semar bag is known as Nepenthes, type semar bag
itself is very much its variants. Today was actually Semar bag is used as an
ornamental plant commodities in Indonesia after the fever and Anthurium Wave of
Love, many on the market in ornamental plant shop store.
Nepenthes uniqueness is in how he got the food. Not
with roots that
absorb nutrients from the
soil, these plants absorb nutrients from insects trapped in the pocket. These
poor insects destroyed
by stomach acid such compounds resembling smoked then sari-sari. That's why he was able
to survive
in areas classified as barren. Nepenthes or semar bag found
from Madagascar in the western world to Caledonia in the east. In the north it is
found in South China and in the south it is
in Australia. Kind ever found in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia.
Nepenthes are included in the category of the Carnivora plant widely spread from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia to Madagascar, Indonesia has the world's most species. Among the diverse and unique species, the most commonly hunted collector is:
- Nepenthes Inermis merupakan Highland Sumatra yaitu species Nepenthes
endemik sumatra yang melegenda dengan kantong antik berbentuk seperti
gelas anggur. Kategori sangat langka, menyukai tempat teduh tapi cukup
sinar matahari, kebasahan sedang, kelembaban tinggi. Sampai saat ini belum
diketahui memiliki silangan di alam.
- Nepenthes AmpulariaLowland Kalimantan species menarik
dengan bentuk bulat dan peristome tebal yang menjorok ke dalam. Dalam
kondisi prima dapat mengeluarkan hamparan kantong rosete. Menyukai sinar
matahari dan kebasahan, kelembaban tinggi.
- Nepenthes Pyriformis (N. Inermis x N. Talangensis), silangan alam yang sangat
langka dari dua species yang langka Nepenthes Inermis dan Nepenthes
Talangensis. Dengan warna dan Peristome yang sangat menawan.
• Highland Nepenthes is Inermis Sumatra is endemic Sumatran Nepenthes species
are legendary with antique bag shaped like a glass of wine. Category of very
rare, like the shade but enough sunlight, wet medium, high humidity. It is not
yet known to have a hybrid in nature.
• Borneo Nepenthes species AmpulariaLowland interesting with a round shape and thick peristome is indented. In top condition can remove stretch rosete bag. Love the sun and wetness, high humidity.
• Pyriformis Nepenthes (N. x N. Talangensis Inermis), a very rare natural hybrid of two species of rare Nepenthes and Nepenthes Talangensis Inermis. Peristome with color and very charming.
• Borneo Nepenthes species AmpulariaLowland interesting with a round shape and thick peristome is indented. In top condition can remove stretch rosete bag. Love the sun and wetness, high humidity.
• Pyriformis Nepenthes (N. x N. Talangensis Inermis), a very rare natural hybrid of two species of rare Nepenthes and Nepenthes Talangensis Inermis. Peristome with color and very charming.
Tempat hidup Nepenthes
tempat hidupnya, kantong semar terbagi dalam 3 kategori. Dataran tinggi,
sedang, dan rendah. Kategori pertama hidup pada ketinggian di atas 700 mdpl.
Sebagai contoh adalah N adrianii, N adnata, dan N lowii. Jenis dataran sedang,
hidup pada ketinggian 300-700 mdpl. Contohnya, N papuana dan N pervillei.
Sedangkan jenis dataran rendah, 0-300 mdpl, seperti N thorelii dan N
ampullaria. Habitat nepenthes yang tumbuh di gunung berbeda dengan yang hidup
di pantai. Perbedaan suhu dan kelembapannya sangat ekstrem. Nepenthes dataran
rendah dan sedang membutuhkan suhu 27-35 derajat celsius di siang hari dan
21-27 derajat celsius pada malam hari. Sedangkan jenis dataran tinggi butuh
suhu 21-29 derajat celsius untuk siang hari dan 12-18 derajat celsius di malam
hari. Nepenthes penyuka suhu panas dan kelembapan rendah tidak akan tahan jika
dipelihara di pegunungan. Kalaupun hidup, biasanya tidak mengeluarkan kantong
atau ukuran kantong mengecil. Demikian sebaliknya, memelihara nepenthes dataran
tinggi di dataran rendah sangat sulit, kecuali dengan perlakuan khusus. Secara
umum lebih mudah memelihara nepenthes dataran rendah. Contohnya N campanulata,
N danseri, N masoalensis, dan N rowanae. Pilihan lain, memilih nepenthes yang
memiliki daya adaptasi tinggi, misalnya N hirsute dan N veitchi.
Based on the place of his life, semar bag is divided into 3 categories. Highlands, medium and low. The first category live at
elevations above 700 masl. An
example is
adrianii N, N adnata, and N lowii. Type of terrain being, living at an altitude of 300-700 masl. For example, N and N pervillei papuana. Whereas lowland species, 0-300 meters
above sea level, such as N and N ampullaria thorelii. Habitat nepenthes that grows in the mountains is different from living on the beach. Differences in temperature and humidity extremes. Lowland Nepenthes and are
in need of
temperatures 27-35 degrees Celsius in
the daytime and 21-27 degrees Celsius at
night. While this type of plateau temperature
of 21-29 degrees celsius need for daytime and 12-18
degrees Celsius at
night. Nepenthes enthusiasts of hot temperatures and low
humidity will not last if kept in
the mountains. Even if life, usually does not remove the bag or pouch size smaller. And vice versa, maintaining uplands nepenthes in the lowlands is very difficult, except by
special treatment. Are generally easier to maintain lowland nepenthes. For example campanulata N, N danseri, masoalensis N, and N rowanae. Another option, choose a nepenthes that have high adaptability, such as N and N veitchi hirsute.
Tips Merawat
Karena biasa
tumbuh di tempat yang tandus, nepenthes sebenarnya tak perlu perawatan yang aneh-aneh.
Satu hal yang penting, ia menyukai media tumbuh yang lembap dan porous. Media
tanam juga harus memiliki aerasi yang baik untuk menunjang pertumbuhan akar dan
ketersediaan oksigen bagi tanaman. Untuk penyinaran, sebaiknya nepenthes
diletakkan di lokasi yang terkena sinar matahari tetapi tidak langsung.
kebutuhan air, kantong semar bereaksi paling baik jika disiram dengan air
hujan. Namun, jika kondisi tidak memungkinkan, Anda tetap dapat menggunakan air
keran yang dikombinasikan dengan air hujan. Sebaiknya nepenthes disiram air
hujan setiap bulan agar kondisinya menyerupai habitat aslinya.
the usual growing in the barren, nepenthes was no need meticulous care. One
important thing, he likes a moist growing medium and porous. Planting medium
must also have good aeration for root growth and support the availability of
oxygen to the plants. For irradiation, nepenthes should be placed in a location
exposed to direct sunlight, but no.
Regarding the need for water,
bags semar react best when watered with rain water. However, if the condition
does not allow, you can still use tap water combined with rain water. Nepenthes
should be watered every month so that rain water conditions resembling their
natural habitat.
The source of the video and pictures on this post can be found directly in it. This article was made in order to / as a task for the children to learn how to develop the topics they find interesting and present it to the class. We try to show the sources in this post to appreciate the work that has been made by others, particularly from the Internet and notify our students. However if there are deficiencies, omissions and discomfort, it was unintentional and we apologize. I hope the kids can talk well and happy, The videomaker and the creator of these pictures can be a reward for his kindness. thank you and enjoy
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